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Artificial Intelligence / 07/12/2024
By adminTechdictionary

Create SpongeBob Voice Text to Speech in 3 secs with Vidnoz & PlayHT

SpongeBob, the beloved character from the SpongeBob SquarePants series, has won the hearts of millions with his cheerful voice. Many want to use his voice in their projects but find it challenging to imitate. This blog will guide you in creating SpongeBob voice text-to-speech using...
Artificial Intelligence / 07/08/2024
By adminTechdictionary

How to Put Your Face on Another Picture Free in 4 Ways (July 2024)

AI is making our everyday conversation more interesting. Face swap is a prime example. As you arrive here, explore our simple guide on how to put your face on another picture. First hint: Two of the four tools are AI-related, and the others are non-AI....
Artificial Intelligence / 07/02/2024
By adminTechdictionary

How To Get Kidaroo Voice Text-to-Speech Back For Free in 3 Minutes

Are you looking to promote your content in a fun way and attract more viewers? Kidaroo Voice could be the solution for you. This blog will introduce you to Kidaroo Voice, provide a detailed guidance on how to get Kidaroo Voice text-to-speech (tts), and suggest...
Artificial Intelligence / 06/27/2024
By adminTechdictionary

How To Make AI Music Covers With Any Artist’s Voice

Let’s say Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran are your favourite artists. You want to hear crossovers between them, but it’s been eleven years since Ed Sheeran sang “I Knew You Were Trouble.” Tough, isn’t it? But time flies, and everything has changed. AI innovation turns...