Does Turnitin Detect QuillBot? A Detail Explain in 2024

Can Turnitin Detect Quillbot? Reveal The Truth

Being original is very important in the academic world. But when you have a lot of research to do and a deadline coming up, it can be tempting to use tools like QuillBot to speed up the writing process. But the question remains: Does Turnitin Detect QuillBot? 

What does that mean? We will explain the details in this article. 

Does Turnitin Detect QuillBot?

The answer is Yes, with updated algorithms, Turnitin can detect QuillBot paraphrase. However, it can not always do that. The fact that no AI detector can guarantee 100% accuracy, so as Turnitin.

In fact, If you write your paper yourself and use QuillBot for corrections and improvements, Turnitin will not flag QuillBot paraphrasing as AI-generated text. This is because QuillBot, in the form of paraphrased text, does not have the typical characteristics of AI writing, such as repetition, inconsistency, and errors.

Let’s take a look at these instances below.

Can Turnitin Detect Paraphrasing Tools Like Quillbot? The Truth Was Tested

Yes, Turnitin can detect AI writing, especially if you use QuillBot on the AI-generated content. We prove it to you as the image below.

A test to see if Turnitin detect QuillBot
Turnitin detect QuillBot: A Simple Test
Turnitin Detect QuillBot As AI Writing
Turnitin Detect QuillBot As AI Writing – Source: Killer Papers Writing & Tutoring

Firstly, GPT4 generated the content which was later paraphrased using the “Formal” mode of QuillBot. The result is very clearly. Turnitin easily detected the GPT-generated content as 100% AI writing.

How about using QuillBot to paraphrase your own paper? Let’s see what is the result.

Can Turnitin Flag QuillBot as AI Writing?
QuillBot cannot be detected by Turnitin – Source: ecologicaltime

A teacher used QuillBot to parapharse his academic paper not only one but twice and checked it on Turnitin. As you can see, Turnitin AI detection flag it as Human-written with 0% AI writing.

The answer to “Does Turnitin Detect QuillBot?” is clearly yes. Especially, when you use QuillBot to paraphrase text generated by AI. However, keep in mind that not only Turnitin but every AI detectors has a false positive.

Note: I have to mention you one more thing that Turnitin can identify QuillBot as plagiarism with its natural language processing (NLP). 

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Can QuillBot be plagiarized by Turnitin?

QuillBot vs Turnitin: Plagiarism Test
Turnitin caught QuillBot Paraphrasing – Source: ecologicaltime-youtube

If QuillBot is frequently used to rewrite an article completely, Turnitin may detect it as plagiarism, particularly if there are unusual grammar patterns. 

Can QuillBot be plagiarized by Turnitin?
Source: ecologicaltime-youtube

You can see on the test that Turnitin no longer marks the original work as plagiarized after running it twice by QuillBot.  

While Turnitin focuses on finding similar grammar patterns instead of rewriting, QuillBot is a master at paraphrasing, thanks to its diverse modes. That explains why QuillBot can not be plagiarized as the test’s result. So yes, Turnitin can detect QuillBot paraphrasing. However, it may not always do that. 

For more details, see our full QuillBot review article. 

The right question to ask here is how we use QuillBot correctly. 

How Does Turnitin Detect AI & Plagiarism? 

Turnitin is a widely used tool by schools to check for plagiarism. It compares submitted text against previously submitted papers in the database. With the increasing use of AI writing tools, Turnitin has added another feature: AI detection. This feature can identify AI-generated writing or artificial language. These algorithms can analyze a variety of factors, including:

  • Matching text/ Similar phrases
  • Grammar patterns
  • Writing style

About AI-generated content, Turnitin states that its algorithm can detect AI text with 98% accuracy.

Our AI Writing detector’s false positive rate is less than 1% for documents with 20% or more AI writing” , says David Adamson, a Principal Machine Learning Scientist at Turnitin.

How To Bypass Turnitin When Using QuillBot

Paraphrasing tools like QuillBot may lead to plagiarism. To avoid this serious academic infraction, it is important to learn ethical ways of improving your writing:

  • Deep Comprehension: Understand the source before paraphrasing.
  • Quoting and Citing: If you’re using specific ideas or wording from a source, make sure to quote it properly and cite the source accordingly.
  • Paraphrasing the right way: 
  • Fact-check and edit: AI accuracy is especially problematic. Therefore, double-check the information to ensure it is accurate and suits your writing style.
  • Don’t rely on AI tools: Don’t blindly follow QuillBot. Remember, it’s just a tool. Keep it fresh and honest by adding your own voice and opinions.

Using any AI-powered writing tool to cheat on schoolwork can get you in a lot of trouble, such as failing grades, academic fines, ethical issues, and even legal problems.  

Final Thought

So, Does Turnitin detect QuillBot? The answer depends on the complexity of the paraphrasing and whether the original source is already in Turnitin’s database. At TechDictionary, we emphasize the ethical use of AI writing tools. They are not designed to be a replacement for your creativity and knowledge.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Turnitin Detect QuillBot Paraphrasing?

Yes, Turnitin’s advanced algorithm can detect the text that paraphrased by Quillbot.

How Does Turnitin Detect QuillBot?

Turnitin detects rephrased text by analyzing writing styles, word choices, and similar patterns to flag content generated by QuillBot.

Can Turnitin detect AI Writing?

Yes, Turnitin after April 4 can detect AI writing with it AI detection & Originality report (which only display to instructors and invisible to students.

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