Artificial Intelligence

Can Blackboard Detect AI Writing? The Shocking Truth 

by Zoran Trimmel
Can Blackboard Detect AI Writing? The Shocking Truth 
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The popularity of AI-powered writing tools has increased significantly due to their efficiency in producing high-quality content. However, educators have raised concerns about the use of such tools, particularly regarding their potential to be detected by plagiarism detection software like Blackboard. The question is, Can Blackboard detect AI writing?

What is Blackboard?

what is blackboard

What is Blackboard?

Blackboard (a.k.a a part of Anthology now) is a learning management system  (LMS) used by educational institutions around the world. It allows teachers to deliver course information, manage assignments, and communicate with students. 

SafeAssign is a Blackboard anti-plagiarism tool that helps instructors identify student content that is similar to content from other sources.

How Does Blackboard Detect Plagiarism and AI-Generated Content?

The SafeAssign on Blackboard uses text-matching algorithms to compare submitted content to a massive database of sources. After scanning, SafeAssign creates an originality report to point out what percentage of the academic paper matches existing sources in the database.

safeassign new originality report

How Blackboard Plagiarism Checker Works

What about its AI detection capabilities? That’s a little bit complex. Let’s delve into this further in the following parts.

Related Article: Is Using AI Considered Plagiarism? Find Out the Hidden Facts

Can Blackboard Detect AI Writing?

As of the current state of technology, Blackboard, itself, does not have capability to detect AI-generated content. However, Blackboard has integrated third-party tools to help such as Turnitin and Copyleaks. These tools use advanced AI detection methods to identify inconsistencies that suggest AI use.

Blackboard integrated with CopyLeaks To Detect AI writing

Blackboard integrated with CopyLeaks To Detect AI writing

Can SafeAssign Detect AI-Generated Content?

Not Exactly! Things got a bit confusing as we just said SafeAssign does not specifically detect AI content above, right? Don’t worry. Let us explain. 

While SafeAssign by Blackboard is good at catching regular plagiarism, it still can flag AI writing indirectly. How did that happen? 

AI writing tools generate text based on the existing database. This means that if students use an AI writing tool carelessly, their content should be caught by SafeAssign.  

Another interesting fact is that if two people ask an AI the same question in separate instances, the AI might give them similar, if not the same, answers.

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Does Turnitin Detect AI? The Truth About Turnitin AI Detector

Yes, since January 2024, Turnitin has definitely been able to detect AI writing with its advanced algorithms. In fact, Turnitin claims its tool is 98% accurate in detecting content created by AI.

“We have worked on detecting AI writing since 2020, and can now offer a way to pinpoint the use of ChatGPT and other tools with 98 per cent confidence. We are also conducting tests on GPT-4.” – Chris Caren, CEO at Turnitin.

Turnitin’s AI writing report, which is called the Originality report, provides a more detailed analysis of the text identified as being written by an AI. It includes a link to a detailed study outlining the results. However, the Originality report is only displayed to instructors and is not visible to students.


Can Turnitin Detect AI-generated Content?

Can Turnitin Detect AI-generated Content?

If you are looking for free AI detectors, consider Undetectable AI and Originality AI as Turnitin alternatives.



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Ethical Implications of Using AI with Blackboard

The rise of AI writing tools raises ethical concerns about academic integrity. Students must understand that using AI to complete assignments without proper citation is plagiarism. This can cause potential sequences such as: 

But if you use them right, AI writing tools can be very helpful for learning. Students can use AI to help them come up with new ideas, rewrite the text, or make sure they have the correct spelling. 

Can CopyLeaks Detect AI Content?

Yes, CopyLeaks can detect AI content and is one of the most accurate AI detection. According to its announcement, 

Using English text, the detection accuracy of each varies slightly from model to model, though each is above 98.0%

Copyleaks Detect AI Content As Blackboard feature

Copyleaks Detect AI Content As Blackboard feature

By integrating CopyLeaks into their Blackboard dashboards, teachers and instructors can see if a student’s paper hand-in was generated by AI.

To Sump Up

So, Can Blackboard Detect AI Writing? Yes, Blackboard doesn’t have a built-in AI detector but can detect AI writing through its integration – Turnitin and CopyLeaks. Ultimately, the best way to ensure academic integrity is for students to use AI writing tools responsibly and to cite their sources properly. 

We hope this article can give you the answer! Follow TechDictionary for more AI and Technology latest news. 


1. Does Blackboard have an AI checker?

Blackboard has integrated Turnitin and CopyLeaks to help detect AI-generated content in student essays and assignments.

2. Can Turnitin detect AI writing? How Accurate Is It?

Yes, since January 2024, Turnitin has definitely been able to detect AI writing with its advanced algorithms. In fact, Turnitin claims its tool is 98% accurate in detecting content created by AI.

3. How to avoid AI detection on Turnitin?

To avoid AI detection by Turnitin, choose an unusual topic, research it intensively, cite your sources, and paraphrase your findings. If you use an AI humanizer tool, ensure it’s as good as Undetectable AI. Otherwise, Handwritten work may be best, but these methods are not foolproof.

Zoran Trimmel
Zoran Trimmel
Zoran Trimmel is an AI specialist who simplifies complex technical concepts. He evaluates emerging AI platforms for our technology website and produces insightful articles on AI and tech tools, thanks to his attention to detail and effective communication skills.
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