How to Avoid ChatGPT Detection 2024 – 4 Best Tools To Bypass

How To Avoid ChatGPT Detection in 2024
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ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) opened a new chapter in our writing journey. However, AI-generated content is still not a favorite and is even prohibited in many cases. That’s why people rely on detection tools to identify content that flags AI. So, how can you overcome this? Our article will delve into a helpful guide on how to avoid ChatGPT detection.

Generally, we still value how ChatGPT provides us with helpful writing ideas, but what makes a difference is our human flair and using some editing techniques.

Keep reading for detailed tips!

What are chatGPT detectors?

ChatGPT detectors and other AI detection tools can find content that was generated by ChatGPT or other (LLMs). They are developed to analyze ChatGPT’s writing styles, which can be shown in sentence structure, vocabulary use, and text predictability. They can also compare the texts to a database of known AI-generated content, finding any sign of bot writing.

There are a wide variety of ChatGPT detection tools on the market. Here are the most popular names:

  • Originality AI: A comprehensive tool that offers an AI writing score and a detailed breakdown of how likely each sentence is AI-generated (on a 5-level scale). It accurately identifies content created by ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4.0.
  • GPTZero: Another reliable tool that can detect ChatGPT-generated content based on perplexity and burstiness. It gives you a percentage for AI, mixed, and human content.
  • Copyleaks: This tool gives you quick, precise AI content checking. Instead of scoring, it shows you two possible results: human text and AI content detection (with highlighted sentences)
  • This tool has four detection models, each trained to assess text according to prediction, perplexity, entropy, and correlation. 
  • PoemOfQuotes: A free AI detector that gives the result of “Appears AI-generated” or “ Appears human-generated” content.
  • GPT-2 Output Detector: This simple tool quickly checks AI texts and gives the percentage of Real vs. Fake content.

Who would need ChatGPT detectors?

ChatGPT detectors are designed to facilitate anyone needing to catch AI content or those looking to improve the originality of their texts. More specifically, the certain target audience of these detectors are:

  • Schools and universities: Teachers and tutors often rely on ChatGPT detectors to identify potential AI-generated content in student homework, dissertations, and other assignments.
  • Content sharing platforms: Detectors help prevent low-quality or misleading content. They ensure everything meets certain standards, maintaining user trust and engagement.
  • Online forums and communities: These communities thrive on authentic discussions and credibility. ChatGPT detectors can keep conversations valuable and ensure the accuracy of shared information.
  • News publishers: Detectors help eliminate AI-generated content before publishing to prevent false, low-quality information. 
  • Cybersecurity teams: ChatGPT detectors help identify AI-powered attacks and keep the networks safe.

How to Avoid ChatGPT Detection in 7 Tips

It’s time to dive into how to avoid detection of ChatGPT. Following are seven crucial techniques that can by applied to a variety of content.

1. Increase burstiness & perplexity in content

Burstiness is about variation in sentence length and depth. When people write, they naturally combine short, simple lines with long, complex ones to express their diverse ideas. On the other hand, you might spot a more consistent pattern in AI content.

Perplexity refers to how hard it is to guess the next word in a string. As humans, we often use more complicated sentence structures, which leads to higher perplexity and makes things unpredictable for readers. In contrast, AI-generated material is easier to understand because it focuses on clarity and has limitations in vocabulary use.

How To Avoid ChatGPT Detection: Add Burstiness and Perplexity
Perplexity and Burstiness example – Source: Mushtaq Bilal, PhD

The fact is that many ChatGPT detection tools work by analyzing burstiness and perplexity. That’s why making changes in your texts regarding these elements is a smart move to avoid detection.

Here are some tactics to help increase burstiness & perplexity in content:

  • Change the length of sentences in a natural way
  • Use different sentence formats. For instance, consider adding questions or exclamations to make your writing more human-like
  • Enhance the diversity in vocabulary
  • Experiment with more complex sentences to convey your ideas
  • Use related metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech to add an extra creative touch to your content

2. Ask chatGPT to write as a human

This doesn’t mean the output is 100% free of AI signs. However, it somehow improves the readability and tone of your content.

To prove this, we’ve conducted a small test. First, we asked ChatGPT to present an answer to our prompt, “What is affiliate marketing?”. Well, the result is shown below:

ChatGPT Output
ChatGPT Output

Then, we added another prompt, requiring it to act as a human and give us a more natural answer. The output improved a lot, but we added some extra personal touches to make it sound more human-like. Generally, we used the tips in the previous section to increase burstiness and perplexity. We changed the sentence length, structure, and vocabulary.

Here comes the most intriguing part: checking our texts against ChatGPT detectors. We’ve picked three out of the seven above names to experiment with. And the result is amazing:

Checking with Originality AI:

How To Avoid ChatGPT Detection in 2024: The Result Of Originality’s AI
The Result Of Originality’s AI-content Detection

Checking with Copyleaks:

The Result Of AI-content Detection Of Copyleaks
The Result Of AI-content Detection Of Copyleaks

Checking with ZeroGPT:

The Result Of ZeroGPT’s AI-content Detection
The Result Of ZeroGPT’s AI-content Detection

Copyleaks gave us a “green” flag, whereas the others concluded that most of our texts are human-written.

So, this is our tip on how to avoid AI detection with ChatGPT. Though you can’t rely entirely on this approach to ensure 0% AI content, it’s worth adding to your writing process to improve originality.

3. Provide context and examples

Another tip on how to avoid ChatGPT detection is to compensate for what AI content often misses – depth and context.

Human writers naturally add what they know and have experienced to their content, making it more interesting and connecting deeper with the readers. So, instead of just listing facts or concepts, use details and specific examples to demonstrate what you represent. This way, you not only make things easier to understand but also give your writing a human touch to avoid AI detectors.

4. Paraphrase

Paraphrasing is a powerful way to elevate your writing. You can ask ChatGPT to generate ideas for your writing. Then, use your own skills to rephrase the content and give it a brand-new coat.

But there’s another innovative way to accomplish this mission: accessing AI paraphrasing tools. Of course, your personal touches are still crucial for refinements. However, we perceive that it’s a wise way to approach this method, especially when you proceed with a large amount of text.

In the last section of this article, we’ll test some reliable paraphrasing tools to help you understand how they’re performing. Stay tuned!

5. Avoid repetitive patterns

If you’ve used ChatGPT long enough, you might easily realize that it often uses repetitive phrasing and predictable sentence structures. Detectors will catch these signs and flag AI for your content immediately.

So, eliminating these patterns is crucial in creating content that reads naturally. But how?

  • Keep an eye out for repetitive words or phrases, and use a thesaurus or synonyms to refresh what you’re saying
  • Change the length and structure of your sentences to create a dynamic flow
  • Consider using a wider range of transitional words and phrases to make your writing sound smoother

6. Cite sources

Citations help showcase your study skills and establish your credibility. So, prove to readers and AI detectors that you’re the owner of your writing by citing real sources.

Since AI-generated content often overlooks these elements, adding them to your writing will increase the human vibe and leave ChatGPT detectors in the dust.

7. Add your own writing style

Last but not least, this guide on how to avoid ChatGPT detection values your unique voice. AI can copy some writing styles, but it struggles to capture the true spirit of a human voice. Thus, if you embrace your unique style, you can make your content stand strong against any detector.

First, show who you are through the words you use and the way you write. For instance, if you’re a funny person, consider interpreting your sense of humor to your content.

Second, remember to put your own unique thoughts into your writing to showcase any new look on the topic.

Finally, add your passion to the content for a deeper engagement with readers.

Our Top 4 Best Tools for Bypassing ChatGPT Detection in 2024

We’ve handpicked some reliable tools that can help you humanize AI content to some extent:

1. Undetectable AI

This comprehensive tool offers a helpful feature to bypass detectors: rephrasing content. However, while it’s a good option for a quick scramble, it may struggle with complex writing.

Let’s do a small experiment!

As usual, we let ChatGPT create a small text for us. Then, we paste it into Undetectable AI’s input box and click “Humanize”. Here’s the result:

How To Avoid ChatGPT Detection in 2024: Using Undetectable AI

Now, let’s check if it’s bulletproof against AI detectors. This time, we use Copyleaks, and the result is quite satisfying.

Checking Humanized Content By Copyleaks
Checking Humanized Content By Copyleaks

However, note that we only tested a small piece of content. Results might not be marked as “Human” every time you check. So, use Undetectable AI and other tools listed next in a careful and smart way.

2. QuillBot

QuillBot is a well-known paraphrasing tool that offers diverse modes for renewing your content. It also allows you to choose alternative synonyms for the rewritten words.

We’ll check QuillBot’s Simple mode to paraphrase the ChatGPT-generated content this time.

The Simple Rephrasing Mode Of QuillBot
Using QuillBot to Avoid ChatGPT Detection

Then, we made some refinements to the rephrased text before checking the probability of AI content using Originality. The detector showed 82% of human-written content. Cool, right?

Using Originality AI To Check Rephrased Content
Using Originality AI To Check Rephrased Content

3. Stealthwriter

Stealthwriter is another reliable tool for generating original content. It offers a free plan to humanize up to 300 words each time.

Again, we asked ChatGPT to generate another text for us. Stealthwriter then humanized it and delivered five variations for us to choose from.

Humanizing ChatGPT-generated Content with StealthWriter
Humanizing ChatGPT-generated Content with StealthWriter

We copied and pasted the first version into AI detection tools, including CopyLeaks, Originality AI, and ZeroGPT. Amazingly, it bypassed all of them.

Checking StealthWriter Humanized-content Using Originality AI
Checking StealthWriter Humanized-content Using Originality AI

4. HideMyAI

This last tool is a great alternative to Originality AI. It has the power to rewrite your content at different levels (e.g., professional, undergraduate). Well, let’s experiment with its Professional-casual option.

Rewriting Texts Using HideMyAI
Rewriting Texts Using HideMyAI

The platform claims its rewritten content can bypass all popular AI detectors on the market. We checked it against the three tools used previously.

There’s a little difference in results. While CopyLeaks still flagged it as AI content, Originality AI and ZeroGPT showed 100% human-written content. Still, we perceive this tool is worth trying when you want to add a natural vibe to your writing. 

HideMyAI’s Rewritten Text ByPasses Originality AI
HideMyAI’s Rewritten Text ByPasses Originality AI

Important note: While these tools can help refresh your content, remember that AI constantly changes. So, think of them as allies, not replacements for your own creativity. You should use them along with the tips provided above to make your content truly interesting and original.


We hope you understand how to avoid ChatGPT detection through our detailed guide. In short, it’s a combination of using other assistants like QuillBot and adding some magic touch – your creativity to make the content sound more human-like.

So, is there any other idea for bypassing AI content? Would you try our tips right away? Leave a comment below to let Techdictionary know the result!

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